Session: Sunday, December 18th, 2022

Book cover of the book, Christmas in French Canada, by Louis Honoré Fréchette.
“Christmas in French Canada” is a collection of Christmas stories for English readers by Louis Honoré Fréchette (1899) from the Digital Collection of the Toronto Public Library

A quick reminder about our upcoming session, from noon to 2 pm at the Tranzac Club this coming Sunday.

December is here, and the Tranzac will be hopping with the Tranzac Holiday Gift Fair offering original gifts by local artist, so expect a larger-than-average population of curious passers-by. This also means it will be a bit tougher to park than usual, so plan for a bit of extra time if you are driving in.

Despite the crowds, it will still be worth it to come out and share the joy that is built into every Quebecois tune. Every musical phrase is an entire holiday! Come share some holiday cheer with us.

As always, there will be tunes, songs, chats, a beer, and some laughs. Take advantage of the chance to come out before being buried in the holiday madness and the bone-chilling cold that is coming our way. I’m not saying there will be cookies, but in past years, there have been cookies.

Remember, too, that the Tranzac is still enacting a COVID policy by requiring masks indoors to help protect each other, our families and communities from the Pandemic, the Flu, RSV, and all the other nasty invisible creatures plotting our collective destruction.

The details:

Date:Sunday, December 18, 2022
Time:Noon to 2PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Location:The Tranzac Club, Southern Cross Lounge (front room!)
292 Brunswick Avenue, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Reminder of the shorter time! Be kind to the Tranzac staff. They love us. They give us beer. They keep us safe. They give us memberships, t-shirts and hoodies in exchange for our support, very reasonably priced.

Come join us for tunes in a safe and welcoming environment. Can’t wait to see you all!