Session: SATURDAY, February 19th, 2022

It’s been a while since we’ve had a session here at the ToQueTrad as we’re only coming to terms with the Omicron lockdown that followed the freedom of the outdoors sessions we had last fall. Now that the funk has receded, we’re ready to have another Zoom session to keep us from forgetting our favourite tunes or our favourite people.

Alanson Mellen "Mellie" Dunham, Jr. (ca. 1927) posing with one of his fiddles.
Alanson Mellen “Mellie” Dunham, Jr. (circa 1927) posing with one of his fiddles on the front doorstep of the century-old Dunham farmstead on Crockett Ridge, overlooking the east shore of Lake Pennaseewassee, just west of the village of Norway, Maine. Mellie (aka Grandpa Dunham) was a self-taught fiddler. He adopted the Classical position for playing the fiddle after seeing a photograph of Norwegian virtuoso violinist Ole Bornemann Bull. Image from the Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History, Fogler Library, Special Collections, University of Maine, Orono.

We are doing a one-time-only Saturday Session (until next month) to accommodate a travel episode. Therefore, we would like to invite you to a:

SATURDAY SESSION, February 19 @noon!

As always for the Zoom sessions, it will start at noon Eastern time, and you can get the link by requesting it from us at

The details:

Date:Saturday, February 19th, 2022
Time:Noon to 3PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Location:Our traditional zoom link. Please contact us at for the link.

All are welcome to join us. It will be a loose round-robin, and on your turn, you are welcome to lead a tune, request a tune or pass. No pressure at all!

Remember, Saturday, not Sunday! Hope this will work for enough of you!