Session: Sunday July 18, 2021

View from the new Humber River viaduct looking north along the Humber River in western Toronto.
“This is the view of the Humber that will be had from the new high-level viaduct across Bloor Street”, 1924, Toronto Star Photographic Archives at the Toronto Public Library Digital Archives

Toronto has just relaxed restrictions to allow inside gatherings and dining, but the way is not yet clear for a return to the Tranzac for live and in-person sessions, so we are having another Zoom session via the pandemic-inspired “usual means.” We certainly look forward to joining you in playing our favourite Quebecois tunes with our favourite people!

The details:

Date:Sunday, July 18th, 2021
Time:Noon to 3PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Location:Our traditional zoom link. Please contact us at for the link.

As always, bring your itchy fingers for playing tunes, your listening ears for appreciating what your fellow sessioneers are willing to bring and share, and your best stories and gossip to keep us up to date with why that particular fiddler was super-miffed at that tippling accordionist back in 1914.

We know that summer sessions are sparsely attended as some are off to cottage country to enjoy the best of July, and some are off to recently reopened cinemas to feel the snick of the reluctant release of shoes from butter-coated flooring. Just saying that there are alternatives to liberty! Also saying that we don’t blame you if you choose liberty over tunes. Whatever you choose, we hope everybody has as much fun as they would have playing tunes with us!